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Russia to take appropriate measures to repel threats to its borders in Far East — diplomat

According to Maria Zakharova, the current situation in the Asia-Pacific region confirms the relevance of the instruction given by the Russian president to the staff of the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 14

MOSCOW, June 19. /TASS/. Russia will prepare appropriate response measures to strengthen the country's defense capabilities to counter any potential threats to its Far Eastern borders, Foreign Ministry Spokeswoman Maria Zakharova said at a briefing.

"The United States, as well as South Korea and Japan, should be aware that any potential threats to Russia's Far Eastern borders will be met with adequate response measures to strengthen our country's defense capabilities," she said.

According to Zakharova, the current situation in the Asia-Pacific region "confirms the relevance of the instruction given by the Russian president to the staff of the Russian Foreign Ministry on June 14, when he spoke about the need to form Eurasian security."