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West crosses its own red line — Chinese expert on strikes on Russia

Zheng Runyu called these attacks unacceptable and drew attention to the fact that such actions "have no strategic or practical military significance"

SHANGHAI, June 24. /TASS/. Western countries have crossed their own red line and stopped opposing strikes on Russia with weapons provided to Ukraine as military aid, an expert from the Center for Russian Studies at the East China Normal University in Shanghai, Zheng Runyu, told a TASS correspondent

"The originally established restrictions, according to which Ukraine couldn't use Western weapons provided to it as military aid to strike Russia, are no longer in place. This means that such attacks will continue," he said, pointing out that the West is thus trying to sow panic among Russians and influence citizens' attitudes toward the conflict.

The expert called these attacks unacceptable and drew attention to the fact that such actions "have no strategic or practical military significance," but rather show that Ukraine is trying to demonstrate its efforts to the West at a time when it needs successes on the battlefield. "Strikes on civilian targets are already of a terrorist nature. This is [terrorism] under any conditions and environment. It is unacceptable," Zheng Runyu said.

"Attacking Crimea is what Ukraine has been doing and will continue to do, as strikes against Russia in this direction are more convenient for Ukraine and leave room for maneuver," the expert stated.

Ukraine attacked civilian infrastructure in Sevastopol using ATACMS tactical missiles carrying cluster munitions on June 23. Four missiles were shot down, while another one exploded over the city. According to Sevastopol governor, Mikhail Razvozhayev, four people, including two children, were killed and more than 150 others were wounded.

The Russian Investigative Committee initiated a criminal probe into the terrorist attack. June 24 was declared a day of mourning in Sevastopol and Crimea. Russian President Vladimir Putin offered his condolences to Sevastopol residents.