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Western sanctions against Russia are complete fiasco — Russia's Permanent Representative

"The West's monkey business against Russia has turned out to be a complete fiasco," Mikhail Ulyanov said

MOSCOW, July 2. /TASS/. The World Bank recognizing Russia as a high-income country shows the ineffectiveness of Western sanctions, Russia’s Permanent Representative to International Organizations in Vienna Mikhail Ulyanov said in his Telegram channel.

"The World Bank has just moved Russia from the category of upper-middle-income countries to the category of high-income countries. This change in classification shows how ‘effective’ anti-Russian sanctions are," he said.

"The West's monkey business against Russia has turned out to be a complete fiasco," Ulyanov concluded.

Earlier, the World Bank published a document according to which the gross national income per capita in Russia is $14,250. Countries with this indicator standing at the level of at least $13,485 are categorized as high-income ones.