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RKK Energia sends Russian Orbital Station preliminary design for examination — CEO

According to the official, the preliminary design will be presented and reviewed in august

ST. PETERSBURG, July 29. /TASS/. The Energia Rocket and Space Corporation sent the preliminary design of the upcoming Russian Orbital Station (ROS) for examination in Roscosmos’ Head Research and Development Organization (GNIO), Roscosmos CEO Yury Borisov said on the sidelines of the Russia-Africa Summit.

"RKK Energia sent the ROS preliminary design to Roscosmos’ GNIO, it is currently being examined," Borisov said, answering a question.

According to the official, the preliminary design will be presented and reviewed in august.

In February, RKK Energia Deputy Chief Designer, main designer of the ROS Vladimir Kozhevnikov told TASS that the first module - the scientific and energy module - is planned for late 2027; four more modules are planned for launch between 2028 and 2030.