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Avangard complex to ensure Russian security for decades to come

Sergey Ivanov also listed Burevestnik cruise missile with unlimited range and Poseidon nuclear-powered torpedo, as well as Peresvet laser

MOSCOW, February 29. /TASS/. Avangard intercontinental ballistic missile with a hypersonic reentry vehicle will ensure Russian security for decades to come and the country will remain the leader in new armaments, presidential representative for environment protection and transport, permanent member of the Russian Security Council Sergey Ivanov told the Rossiya-24 TV channel.

"Avangard is a unique weapon, nobody in the world has it. Avangard alone ensures our national security for decades to come or may be centuries," he said.

Ivanov also listed Burevestnik cruise missile with unlimited range and Poseidon nuclear-powered torpedo, as well as Peresvet laser.

"We have fully rearmed our nuclear submarine fleet," he said and mentioned Borey-class submarines armed with Bulava ICBM.

There were failures during initial test stages, however they are inevitable. "After dozens of tests the situation began to improve, the missiles began to properly and precisely fly and were accepted into service," Ivanov said.

He stressed that President Vladimir Putin pays constant attention also to the development of conventional weapons. "I mean new and exotic arms, which guarantee our security," he said.