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Damage from IT crimes in 2023 reaches $1.83 bln

According to the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs, remote theft and fraud accounted for more than 70% of all crimes in the IT sector in 2023

ST. PETERSBURG, June 27. /TASS/. The damage caused by IT crimes last year in Russia amounted to 156.5 bln rubles ($1.83 bln), Head of the contractual legal department of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs Alexander Avdeiko said.

"Over the past 4 years, the number of IT crimes has increased by a third. Their share in relation to all other crimes <...> increased from 2020 to 2023 to 34.8%," he said during a speech at the St. Petersburg International Legal Forum Forum.

According to him, remote theft and fraud accounted for more than 70% of all crimes in the IT sector in 2023. "The amount of damage is colossal. Last year it amounted to 156.5 bln rubles," he noted.