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Russian tech firm develops portable EW system to shield assault teams from drones

One system suppresses munition-dropping drones, creating a dome of 250-300 meters and shielding an assault group while the other suppresses FPV drones

MOSCOW, May 15. /TASS/. Russian specialists have developed a Fumigator portable counter-drone electronic warfare (EW) system to protect assault teams from FPV drones and munition-dropping UAVs (unmanned aerial vehicles), CEO of Laboratory PPSh (the system’s developer) Denis Oslomenko told TASS on Wednesday.

"Our modules serve as the basis for new products. For example, we are now rolling out Fumigator portable systems, both their standard version and the Fumigator-FPV configuration for assault teams. They also consist of modules designed to suppress a certain frequency. Previously, one person carried a sort of a backpack whereas now two individuals in one unit carry EW equipment," the chief executive said.

One system suppresses munition-dropping drones, creating a dome of 250-300 meters and shielding an assault group while the other suppresses FPV drones. The system operates on one battery for 6-7 hours, Oslomenko added.

Laboratory PPSh is a Russian company that provides information security services and products, including telephone line protectors, wireless communications blockers and drone suppressors, in particular, LPD-801 and LPD-802 anti-drone guns and the Triton electronic warfare system.