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Kiev claims it secured delivery of additional air defense systems from West

"We have already reached agreements with partners on additional air defense systems for Ukraine, and some of these decisions will be implemented sooner, while others - closer to the fall," Vladimir Zelensky said

MOSCOW, June 9. /TASS/. Kiev has reached agreements with Western countries to receive additional air defense systems, said Vladimir Zelensky, whose presidential term expired on May 21.

"We have already reached agreements with partners on additional air defense systems for Ukraine, and some of these decisions will be implemented sooner, while others - closer to the fall," he said in an address to the nation, published on the presidential website.

The Bloomberg news agency wrote on Saturday citing sources that Germany is examining the possibility of sending its fourth Patriot air defense system to Ukraine, but the final decision is yet to be made. Besides, Reuters wrote around a week ago that Italy is likely to send to Ukraine its second SAMP/T air defense system, which is currently deployed in Kuwait.

Russia has repeatedly stressed that West’s military aid and training for Kiev troops will only drag out the conflict, but cannot reverse the situation on the battlefield.