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Hainan presents video about predatory big-headed turtle

It was featured in a documentary series called This is Hainan: Discovering Mysteries

HAIKOU /China/, October 14. /Hainan International Media Center presented a documentary video clip that introduced the world community to a representative of local fauna - the big-headed turtle living in the island's streams. It was featured in the nature documentary series This is Hainan: Discovering Mysteries.

The predatory reptile is found in the southern part of the province on Diaoluo Mountain. Unlike many other freshwater turtles, it has a long tail. Scientists explained that this allows it to move quickly along the stream, successfully overcoming rather steep slopes.

The Hainan big-headed turtle prefers attack tactics. It has powerful jaws and sharp claws, which allow the animal to quickly deal with small animals living in mountain streams. The reptile hides most of the day among the rocks and appears as a rule in the early morning or before sunset.

Like all its cold-blooded brethren, this turtle likes to bask in the sun. It has a strong shell and thick skin that keep it safe in case it is attacked by tropical jungle animals.

The turtle clip was produced under the guidance of the press office of the Publicity Department of CPC Hainan Provincial Committee and with the support of the provincial forestry department. The Nanguo Metropolis Daily and the Hainan International Communication Network (HICN) participated in the project. It is expected that such information products will help to form a more holistic view of the island with its diverse flora and fauna.
