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West disrupts coordination of UNSC statement on Central Asian security — Russian MFA

The Russian diplomats pointed out that the West's refusal to "recognize the realities on the ground" is a clear manifestation of "double standards," commitment and the desire to preserve the NATO-centric security system in Eurasia

MOSCOW, July 31. /TASS/. Western members of the UN Security Council have once again prevented Russia from voting on the draft press statement on the activities of the UN Regional Center for Preventive Diplomacy for Central Asia (UNRCCA), the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

"As a result, the Russian side, as the informal curator of this dossier in the Security Council, prepared a balanced draft press statement aimed at reflecting the UNRCCA's efforts to ensure peace and security in the Central Asian region. However, the Western members of the Council opposed the inclusion of a paragraph on the Center's cooperation with the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO. In this connection, the Russian side was once again forced to suspend work on the project," the ministry said.

The Russian diplomats pointed out that the West's refusal to "recognize the realities on the ground" is a clear manifestation of "double standards," commitment and the desire to preserve the NATO-centric security system in Eurasia. "The current situation once again clearly confirms the relevance of Russian President Vladimir Putin's initiative to create a new continental architecture of equal and indivisible security in this macro-region," the ministry added.

The ministry recalled that interaction with the CSTO, the CIS and the SCO is one of the key tasks of the UNRCCA. "Their important role in responding to threats, ensuring progressive socio-economic development and protection of human rights in Eurasia was recognized by many UN member states during the Council's debate on UN cooperation with regional organizations, which took place on July 19 within the framework of Russia’s UN Security Council chairmanship," the ministry said.