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Russia’s Kursk nuke plant operating normally following air raid alert for nearby town

"Power Units 1 and 2 are operating without generating electricity," the statement reads

KURSK, June 4. /TASS/. Russia’s Kursk Nuclear Power Plant (NPP) continues to operate normally, the facility’s press service said in a statement.

An air raid alert was issued for the nearby town of Kurchatov at 12:52 p.m. Moscow time (9:52 a.m. GMT) and lasted nearly an hour.

"The Kursk Nuclear Power Plant continues to operate normally. The facility’s Power Unit 4 is operating at a capacity based on the dispatch schedule. Power Unit 3 has been switched to the preventive maintenance mode based on the Rosenergoatom company’s annual schedule. Power Units 1 and 2 are operating without generating electricity," the statement reads.

According to the press service, the current radiation background at the Kursk Nuclear Power Plant remains at a level that is in line with the normal operation of power units and does not exceed natural background values.