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Shift from surplus to deficit of liquidity expected in 2025-2027 — Bank of Russia

"In 2025-2027 gradual normalization of budget policy will continue with return to formation of expenditures in accordance with long-term parameters of the fiscal rule starting 2025," the document said

MOSCOW, August 29. /TASS/. The shift from surplus to deficit of liquidity and its gradual growth is expected within three years, according to a draft of the Main areas of the unified state monetary policy for 2025-2027 published on the Russian Central Bank’s website.

"In 2025-2027 gradual normalization of budget policy will continue with return to formation of expenditures in accordance with long-term parameters of the fiscal rule starting 2025," the document said.

Regular transactions on purchase and sale of foreign currency within the fiscal rule carried out on the domestic foreign exchange market in 2025-2027, mirroring of transactions related to the NWF (National Wealth Fund) funds for their placement in allowed financial assets inside the Russian economy and mirroring of transactions beyond the fiscal rule carried out in 2024 will lower the influence of budget transactions on liquidity of Russia’s banking sector, according to the document.