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Moscow and Hanoi working to eliminate problems with mutual payments — Putin

The Russian leader stated that this problem for Moscow and Hanoi was created "from the outside"

HANOI, June 20. /TASS/. Russia and Vietnam are working to resolve problems with mutual payments, which have become more complicated due to sanctions, a transition to transactions in national currencies would help solve them, Russian President Vladimir Putin said at a meeting with graduates of Soviet and Russian universities.

"As for settlements. There are problems here that we discussed at every level of today’s negotiations - with the president, with the prime minister, and with the general secretary [of the Central Committee of the Communist Party]. There are issues related to settlements," Putin admitted.

Putin stated that this problem for Moscow and Hanoi was created "from the outside."

"But this can also be solved. The issues here are related to switching to settlements in national currencies, including rubles. This can be done easily. We just need to appoint authorized banks that would not be afraid of tertiary sanctions, which do not work in third countries. Technically, there is nothing complicated in it. We just need to organize this work administratively," the Russian President explained.