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Gold mining at Kumtor field reach 30.8 mln tons in two years

Kyrgyzstan continues exploration and managed to find new deposits of gold-bearing ore, President of Kumtor Gold Company Almazbek Baryktabasov said

BISHKEK, June 19. /TASS/. More than thirty metric tons of gold were mined in two years at the Kumtor goldfield in Kyrgyzstan, President of Kumtor Gold Company Almazbek Baryktabasov said.

"Total gold production at the Kumtor mine amounted to 30,872 kg of gold in 2022-2023," the chief executive said. "Total revenues from gold sales in 2022-2023 stood at $1.835 bln. Net profits over the last two years amounted to $674.2 mln. We plan to mine 12.5 metric tons of gold this year," he noted.

Kyrgyzstan continues exploration and managed to find new deposits of gold-bearing ore, Baryktabasov said. "Last year, we started developing the Togolok goldmine with gold reserves about 17 metric tons and exploration of Dzhangartskaya area located 200 km away from the Kumtor mine. Owing to that, plans are to produce 115 metric tons of gold," he added.