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Annual waste volume in Russia comparable with small continent — operator

"Every individual generated about 250-300 kg of waste per year a decade ago, the figure is now approaching 500 kg of waste per year," Denis Butsaev said

PERM, June 14. /TASS/. Nine billion metric tons of waste are generated in Russia annually, which is comparable by the volume with a size of a small continent, CEO of the Russian Environmental Operator Denis Butsaev said.

"We have about 50 mln metric tons of solid communal waste in the country, and if speaking about all kinds of waste, these are generated as nine billion metric tons every year. The figure is mammoth, it can only be imagined in such categories that these volumes are approximately comparable with the size of a small continent," Butsaev said.

The waste incremental growth rate is also sound, the chief executive said. "Every individual generated about 250-300 kg of waste per year a decade ago. The figure is now approaching 500 kg of waste per year. We believe that if the behavior model does not change fundamentally, the current figure will double in as much as five and not in ten years," he added.