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New tours to Tanzania to be basis for launching charter flights — Russian Economy Ministry

Russians are easily traveling to African countries but prefer destinations with the good promotion in the Russian market, such as Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco or the Seychelles, the ministry said

MOSCOW, June 14. /TASS/. Tour operators will prepare new tours to Tanzania in conclusion of the forthcoming visit to the country, the press service of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development told reporters.

"The Russian Ministry of Economic Development will organize a familiarization tour of Russian tour operators to Tanzania in November of this year at the invitation of African authorities. A line of new tour products to this country will be prepared in conclusion of the trip, which will be a solid basis to arrange charter flights," the press service informed.

Russians are easily traveling to African countries but prefer destinations with the good promotion in the Russian market, such as Egypt, Tunisia, Morocco or the Seychelles, Department Director of the ministry Nikita Kondratyev said. In 2023, Russian tourists made 1.3 mln trips to African countries, which is 1.4 times more than the figure in 2022.