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Loss of sovereignty fraught with risk of being dragged into was — Moldovan ex-president

Dodon expressed hope that the upcoming elections of president and parliament (due to be held this year and next year, respectively) will bring to power political forces, which value sovereignty and national interests more than geopolitical interests

CHISINAU, June 23. /TASS/. The loss of sovereignty under external pressure may draw Moldova into armed conflicts, the country’s former president, Igor Dodon, said.

"Today, we see that amid the tense geopolitical context, some countries are seeking to impose their dictation on Moldova’s policy and want to turn us, the Moldovans, into a tool of their regional strategic interests," he wrote on his Telegram channel on the occasion of the 34th anniversary of the Declaration of Moldova’s Sovereignty.

"In such an environment, the loss of sovereignty and independence may lead to Moldova’s involvement into armed conflicts and to territorial losses or even the loss of statehood in the long run. This must not happen," he stressed. "It is extremely important for Moldova not to refuse from its sovereignty," not to let anyone impose their political will on it, to tell it "how to develop, which values have, and who to be friends or foes with."

He expressed hope that the upcoming elections of president and parliament (due to be held this year and next year, respectively) will bring to power political forces, which value sovereignty and national interests more than geopolitical interests. "I am convinced that these patriotic forces will come to power for the benefit of the country and its citizens," he added.

Moldova’s parliament adopted the Declaration of Sovereignty on June 23, 1990.