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Seoul arms supplies to Ukraine depend on Russia-DPRK military cooperation — official

Seoul will lose its leverage over the Russian side in case Moscow hands over Pyongyang's military technologies, South Korea's national security adviser said

SEOUL, June 23. /TASS/. South Korea will not restrict itself in any way in delivering weapons to Ukraine if Russia hands over advanced military technologies to North Korea, South Korea's national security adviser said.

"I would like to emphasize that it all depends on Russia’s actions. Will there be any lines remaining for us if Russia gives high-precision weapons to North Korea?" Director of National Security Chang Ho-jin told the KBS television.

Chang Ho-jin did not elaborate on types of weapons that can be delivered and on circumstances that would make this possible, because, in this case, Seoul will lose its leverage over the Russian side.

"We are not the only ones who should pay effort to control the situation in bilateral relations. It appears that Russia’s latest actions were inching closer and closer to the red line. That is why, if they want to restore the relations between Russia and the Republic of Korea after the conflict, the Russian side should also weigh in all aspects very carefully," the South Korean official said.

On June 19, Russia and North Korea signed a comprehensive strategic partnership treaty that provides for military assistance in the event of a defensive war.

South Korean National Security Adviser Chang Ho-jin said on Thursday that the agreement undermined the country's security and that Seoul would reconsider its position on arms supplies to Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin said that the new agreement does not pose a security issue for South Korea. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said on Channel One that only potential aggressors could object to the clause on military assistance in the event of a defensive war. South Korea has previously provided humanitarian and financial aid to Kiev, as well as military supplies of a non-lethal nature, but not weapons.