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No detailed information on Romania’s plans for Moldova’s accession, Kremlin says

However, Moscow is aware that there are certain forces in Moldova that support not the unification but rather the absorption of Moldova by Romania, Dmitry Peskov noted

MOSCOW, June 8. /TASS/. The Kremlin does not have detailed information with regards to Romania’s plans for Moldova yet acknowledges that some forces in Moldova support the idea of being absorbed by Romania, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov told journalists on Wednesday.

"No, I wouldn’t say that we have any detailed information with regards to this," the Kremlin official said responding to a question about plans for Moldova to join Romania that ex-Moldovan President Igor Dodon mentioned.

"On the other hand, indeed, we are well aware that there are certain forces in Moldova that support not the unification but rather the absorption of Moldova by Romania. There are indeed such forces in Moldova, we are aware of this," he noted.

Responding to a question as to whether there will be a threat to Russian peacekeepers in Transnistria if this happens, Putin’s press secretary noted that "so far, no annexation is taking place." "So this question is rather rhetorical," he explained.

Earlier, Moldova’s former president said that a military and political annexation of Moldova by Romania was in the works and warned of the danger of the republic getting entangled in a "murderous regional war".