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Russian-North Korean treaty has defensive nature — senior Russian diplomat

"When we sign a new framework treaty with North Korea, I am sure, the collective West doesn’t even know its essence," Sergey Ryabkov said

MOSCOW, June 25. /TASS/. Russia’s new treaty with North Korea has a defensive nature but the West seems to be afraid of everything, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Sergey Ryabkov said.

"The West is afraid of everything, including its own shadow. The shadow of the past. The West is afraid of anything new in international relations," he told journalists on the sidelines of the Primakov Readings forum.

"This is a defensive treaty," he stressed. "We will help each other in case of any aggression against us. If no one attack us, this provision will not be triggered."

"When we sign a new framework treaty with North Korea, I am sure, the collective West doesn’t even know its essence," he said.

The Primakov Readings forum was first held in 2015. The conference has since acquired the status of an authoritative platform for discussing international relations scenarios, challenges to international security, and new models of interaction by world policy actors. TASS is the forum’s general media partner.