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Majority of world community wants peace in Ukraine, not to weaken Russia — diplomat

According to Dmitry Polyansky, "significant part of the international community understands that that there are several reasons that must be eliminated in order to achieve a long-term settlement" of the Ukrainian crisis
Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky  AP Photo/John Minchillo
Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the United Nations Dmitry Polyansky
© AP Photo/John Minchillo

UNITED NATIONS, September 19. /TASS/. The majority of the international community wants peace in Ukraine rather than to weaken Russia, as Western countries do, Russian First Deputy Permanent Representative to the UN Dmitry Polyansky told TASS.

"[Ukrainian President Vladimir] Zelensky himself will certainly take part in this show (the UN Security Council meeting on Ukraine on September 20 - TASS) and will try to play the main role in it," the diplomat said. "But this will not change the reality in which we live, because a significant part of the international community, an increasingly significant part, understands that the Ukrainian crisis is complex, and that there are several reasons that must be eliminated in order to achieve a long-term settlement," he noted.

According to him, "they want peace in Ukraine, not to damage and weaken Russia, as Western states do."