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Moscow court recovers $113 mln from Google in favor of its Russian subsidiary

The activities of 12 of the 13 defendants relate to advertising or marketing, and the maximum amount of one claim was $34 mln

MOSCOW, July 1. /TASS/. The Moscow Arbitration Court recovered 10 billion rubles ($113.8 mln) from Google in favor of its Russian subsidiary Google LLC, the court’s press service told TASS.

"By the decision of the Moscow Arbitration Court, the claims of the bankruptcy trustee of Google LLC, Valery Talyarovsky, were partially satisfied and 10 billion rubles were recovered from Google International LLC in favor of Google LLC," the court’s press service said.

As stated in the court decision, at the request of the bankruptcy trustee of Google LLC, the court invalidated two transactions concluded by the company in 2021. The first concerned the transfer of 9.5 billion rubles ($106 mln) to Google International LLC, and the second concerned the transfer of 500 million rubles ($5.5 mln) in taxes on these dividends to the Russian budget. The transactions took place on the eve of bankruptcy and were aimed at the withdrawal of assets.

The Russian division of Google Corporation, declared bankrupt, filed claims in the amount of almost 10 billion rubles ($113.8 mln) against 13 Russian companies in 2024. The activities of 12 of the 13 defendants relate to advertising or marketing, and the maximum amount of one claim was 3 billion rubles ($34 mln).

On October 18, 2023, the Moscow Arbitration Court declared the corporation's division bankrupt. The company filed for bankruptcy in June 2022. Later, the interim manager revealed signs of deliberate bankruptcy in the company. The Federal Bailiff Service has already withdrawn all funds in the bank accounts of the Russian division of Google as an interim measure for legal proceedings.
