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Russians divided on Central Bank’s idea to ban cryptocurrency, poll reveals

About 32% of respondents viewed the regulator’s initiative in a negative light, while almost same percentage supported the idea

MOSCOW, January 27. /TASS/. Russians’ opinions on the Central Bank’s proposal to ban transactions with cryptocurrency in the country have divided.

According to an All-Russian Public Opinion Research Center (VTsIOM)-Sputnik opinion poll, about 32% of respondents viewed the regulator’s initiative in a negative light, while almost same percentage supported the idea and 33% are indifferent to the issue.

In a report released on January 21, the Central Bank proposed banning the issuance, mining and circulation of cryptocurrencies in the country in order to reduce the threats caused by the proliferation of cryptocurrencies.

"The opinions of Russians who are familiar with bitcoin regarding the proposal of the Central Bank to prohibit transactions with cryptocurrency in Russia have split practically down the middle. Those for and against come to (32% each) while 33% remain rather indifferent," the VTsIOM center said in a statement on its website on Thursday.

The poll also showed that about 64% of those surveyed are aware of bitcoin, while almost one in five (19%) heard about cryptocurrency for the first time during the poll.

More than half (54%) of young people aged 18 to 34 reacted negatively to the idea of a cryptocurrency ban. In the 25-34 age group exactly one-half (50%) of those polled also viewed the regulator’s proposal negatively. Meanwhile, 36% of Russians aged 45-59 respond positively to the ban, and more than half (53%) of fellow citizens over 60 support the idea of prohibiting cryptocurrency.

The VTsIOM-Sputnik opinion poll was held on January 22. The pollsters questioned an audience of 1,600 men and women aged over 18. The maximum margin of error was no greater than 2.5% with a 95% probability.