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Xi Jinping offers Australia to form 'mature, fruitful' partnership

Chinese leader specified that Beijing seeks to develop connections with Canberra based on principles of mutual benefit and respect

BEIJING, July 1. /TASS/. Chinese leader Xi Jinping sent a congratulatory message to Samantha Mostyn over her assumption of office as the governor-general of Australia, and stated China’s readiness to establish a "more mature and fruitful" strategic cooperation with Australia, the Chinese Foreign Ministry said.

"I am ready to join efforts with Australia […] for establishment of more mature, stable and fruitful Sino-Australian relations of comprehensive strategic partnership," Xi Jinping said, according to the Foreign Ministry.

He specified that Beijing seeks to develop connections with Canberra based on principles of mutual benefit and respect, by searching for points of contact, with consideration of specifics of both countries.

Samantha Mostyn assumed office of the governor-general of Australia on July 1.