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All declared chemical weapons stockpiles are verified as destroyed — OPCW

Fernando Arias, Director General of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, noted that "the cessation of the destruction of all declared stockpiles of chemical weapons is an important milestone for the Organization"

MOSCOW, July 8. /TASS/. Fernando Arias, director general at the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, on Friday confirmed that the last chemical weapon from the stockpiles declared by all states parties to the Chemical Weapons Convention was verified as destroyed.

He commented following a statement by US President Joe Biden earlier on Friday that the US had completed the destruction of its chemical weapons stockpile.

"I congratulate all States Parties, and the United States of America in this instance, on this major achievement for the international community. The end of destruction of all declared chemical weapons stockpiles is an important milestone for the Organization. It is a critical step towards achieving its mission to permanently eliminate all chemical weapons," he said in a statement.