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Kremlin says keeping up combat readiness important amid Western provocations

The Russian presidential spokesman noted that holding drills was a normal practice

MOSCOW, June 11. /TASS/. Russia should keep up its combat readiness as the West has been escalating things of late, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said, commenting on a joint nuclear exercise with Belarus.

"The situation is quite tense on the European continent <…>. Provocations have been reported daily of late. Therefore, such drills and moves to keep up combat readiness are very important to us," he explained.

The Russian presidential spokesman said holding drills was a normal practice. "As long as certain types of weapons are available, the armed forces should keep up their combat readiness duly and conduct exercises," he added.

Earlier, the Russian Defense Ministry announced the start of the second stage of a non-strategic nuclear exercise jointly with Belarus. During the drills, Russian and Belarusian troops will practice preparation for the use of non-strategic nukes.