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Meeting of Russia-China commission on Northern Sea Route to be held in October

Earlier, Rosatom’s CEO reported to Vladimir Putin about the creation of a subcommittee of Russia and China on the Northern Sea Route within the intergovernmental commission headed by heads of governments

VLADIVOSTOK, September 4. /TASS/. The first meeting of the intergovernmental commission of Russia and China on development of the Northern Sea Route (NSR) will be held in October in St. Petersburg, Chief Executive Officer of Russia’s State Atomic Energy Corporation Rosatom Alexey Likhachev told reporters, adding that a more active participation of Chinese partners in the whole chain of development of the NSR would be discussed.

"An agreement already exists with my vis-а-vis, the Chinese transport minister, on holding the first official meeting of the intergovernmental commission in St. Petersburg this October. And we will surely discuss the issue of a more active participation of our Chinese partners in the whole chain of the NSR’s development, starting from transit, shipments to issues of development of infrastructure, shipbuilding, attracting Chinese companies to participate in infrastructure development and investment in the NSR’s water area," he said at the Eastern Economic Forum (EEF).

Earlier, Rosatom’s CEO reported to Putin about the creation of a subcommittee of Russia and China on the Northern Sea Route within the intergovernmental commission headed by heads of governments. According to the corporation, the Chinese transit through the NSR may rise to 50 mln tons by 2030, with Chinese partners potentially participating in the Arctic shipbuilding, development of ports and logistic centers.

The Eastern Economic Forum is underway on the campus of the Far Eastern Federal University in Vladivostok on September 3-6, 2024. The main theme of the EEF this year is ‘Far East 2030. Combining strengths to create new potential’. Business activities are broken down into seven thematic blocks: ‘New contours of international cooperation’, ‘Technologies to ensure independence’, ‘Financial value system’, ‘the Russian Far East’, ‘People, education and patriotism’, ‘Transport and logistics: new routes’, and ‘Master plans: from architecture to economy’.

The Roscongress Foundation is the Forum’s organizer. TASS is the general information partner of the EEF.