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Rosatom to develop 4G nuclear technologies in India

"As we have tested each other and constructed very efficient relations in the present generation, the so-called 3+, we would like to move toward the fourth generation together," CEO Alexey Likhachev noted

MOSCOW, July 9. /TASS/. Rosatom wants to develop 4G nuclear technologies in India, Chief Executive Officer of the state-run corporation Alexey Likhachev said.

"We are currently developing the agenda of further cooperation. As we have tested each other and constructed very efficient relations in the present generation, the so-called 3+, we would like to move toward the fourth generation together. Those are fast reactors, fast-neutron reactors, this is further modification and development of our VVER technologies, water-water reactors, this is fuel cycle closure, as well as such groundwork areas as thermonuke and quantum technology," he said in an interview aired by the Rossiya-24 TV news channel.

Russia and India have close ties in the nuclear sector. Power units No. 1 and No. 2 of the Kudankulam nuclear power plant (NPP), which has been constructed with Russia’s help since 1998, have been already commissioned. The construction of power units No. 3, No. 4, No. 5 and No. 6 is also underway. The plan is to complete fully the construction by 2027. The Indian Ministry of External Affairs has stated additional facilities search. In December 2021, New Delhi also promised to provide an area for construction of the second Russia-designed NPP.