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US doesn’t want civilian deaths in Ukrainian crisis — Pentagon

Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder commented on the Russian side's statements on the terrorist attack in Sevastopol

WASHINGTON, June 25. /TASS/. The US authorities do not want civilian deaths and will discuss the issue with Kiev, Pentagon spokesman Patrick Ryder said, commenting on the Russian side's statements on the terrorist attack in Sevastopol.

"Ultimately I'd refer you to Ukraine to talk about their operations. You know, they make their own decisions when it comes to operations and targeting. We don't have any information to indicate whether or not civilians were killed," he said in response to a journalist's question about the terrorist attack in Sevastopol. "Certainly, you know, as I understand it, that's something that we will talk to the Ukrainians about. It's - we've been very clear about, you know, we don't want to see civilian casualties," Ryder said.

"If they (the Russians - TASS) are concerned about casualties among their forces then they should stop this war immediately and return Ukraine's sovereign territory versus throwing their forces unnecessarily into this," the Pentagon spokesman added. When asked if the US had provided the Ukrainian military with intelligence to select targets before the attack, Ryder said, "I'd refer you to them on any of their operations."

On June 23, the Ukrainian army attacked civilian infrastructure in Sevastopol with ATACMS missiles armed with cluster munitions. Four missiles were shot down while one more missile exploded over the city. As Sevastopol Governor Razvozhayev said, the missile attack killed four civilians, including two children, and injured more than 150 others.

Russia’s Investigative Committee has opened a criminal probe into the terror attack. June 24 has been declared a Day of Mourning in Sevastopol and Crimea. Russian President Vladimir Putin has expressed his condolences to Sevastopol residents.