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West very afraid new, large-scale war will break out, Lukashenko says

According to the Belarusian leader, Russia may use nukes, if the enemy invades its territory or if this act of aggression threatens the existence of the state
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko Ilya Pitalev/POOL/TASS
Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko
© Ilya Pitalev/POOL/TASS

MINSK, June 14. /TASS/. Despite its latest steps, the West is very afraid about the possibility of a new large-scale war or a nuclear disaster, Belarusian President Alexander Lukashenko said in an interview with the 60 Minutes talk show on Rossiya-1 television.

"I have met with people playing an important role in this, who make radical, drastic and final decisions in the event of an `if’,’" Lukashenko said. "What they fear most is a nuclear disaster, and they have been sincere about this. They are afraid of using nuclear weapons in Ukraine. It’s only natural," he added.

Minsk does not want things to play out that way either, Lukashenko assured. "We are not seeking that either, and we, too, are afraid. Because this, experts say, could cause a global catastrophe, and this planet may deorbit, if all these weapons explode," he maintained.

According to Lukashenko, Russia may use nukes, if the enemy invades its territory or if this act of aggression threatens the existence of the state. He urged talks as long as there is an opportunity for them, but the West, he said, has been banning Ukraine from engaging in any.

"I am confident and I have it on good information that the overwhelming majority in Ukraine, including the military who has been fighting and getting killed over there, would like to stop this war now," the Belarusian leader maintained. "But then there are those hyped-up top-level officials led by [Ukrainian President] Volodya Zelensky. He is a `hero’ now, touring the globe. He is being kissed, hugged and all that. I thought he was smarter," Lukashenko lamented.