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Russian peacekeepers stop shootout on Armenian-Azerbaijani border — MFA

Maria Zakharova underlined that "the incident once again confirms the need for Baku and Yerevan’s mutual restraint, as well as strict observance of the trilateral agreements concluded by the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia"

MOSCOW, April 12. /TASS/. Russian peacekeepers promptly took measures to defuse tensions on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border, where a fire exchange took place on Tuesday, April 11, near the village of Tegh, Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman Maria Zakharova told a news briefing on Wednesday.

"On April 11, there was an armed incident at the line of disengagement on the Armenian-Azerbaijani border near the village of Tegh. Unfortunately, according to the available information there were casualties," she said. The Russian border guards who were in the area immediately contacted Armenian and Azerbaijani officials concerned and took de-escalation measures," Zakharova said.

She underlined that "the incident once again confirms the need for Baku and Yerevan’s mutual restraint, as well as strict observance of the trilateral agreements concluded by the leaders of Russia, Azerbaijan and Armenia."