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Post-Soviet security bloc thwarts enemy invasion in Tajikistan drills

Under the scenario of the drills, the notional enemy crossed the state border in several directions, the report specified

MOSCOW, October 21. /TASS/. The Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) thwarted an enemy intrusion into the territory of its member state during the Rubezh 2024 drills that ended in Tajikistan, the joint press office of the CSTO drills told TASS on Monday.

"Today the active phase of the Rubezh 2024 joint exercise with the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of the Central Asian Region ended at the Kharbmaidon training ground in Tajikistan. The drills practiced preparing for and conducting combat operations to destroy illegal armed formations that have invaded a CSTO member state," the press office said in a statement.

Under the scenario of the drills, the notional enemy crossed the state border in several directions, it specified.

"Border guards went into battle but their forces and capabilities proved to be insufficient and the enemy moved deeper into the territory, seizing communities and civilians," it said.

"Units of the Interior Ministry of the Republic of Tajikistan and the Alpha special police force were involved in the operation to liberate a populated area. They blocked the community, freed hostages and eliminated the adversary," the press office said.

The commander of the CSTO Collective Rapid Deployment Forces of the Central Asian Region made a decision "to involve artillery, assault and army aviation, which helped stop the enemy and enabled units of the collective forces to take advantageous defensive frontiers," it said.

In a defensive battle, the CSTO forces employed all types of armament and practiced transferring and concentrating fire, which created favorable conditions for a counterattack, in which they crushed the halted enemy units," the press office said.

In addition, "a tactical airborne force landed in the area to prevent the arrival of enemy reserves and successfully accomplished its objective. Subsequently, units of the Collective Rapid Deployment Forces re-established control of the state border," it said.

The active phase of the Rubezh 2024 drills ran on October 17-21. The exercise involved the military contingents of Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan and operational groups of the CSTO Joint Staff and Secretariat. The Russian military contingent largely comprised the personnel of the Central Military District from the 201st military base stationed in Tajikistan. The exercise brought together about 1,500 troops and 250 items of military and special hardware, including fixed-and rotary-wing aircraft and unmanned aerial vehicles.

Military attaches of Russia, India, Iran, China, Turkey and the United States accredited in the Republic of Tajikistan and representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross were present at the Rubezh 2024 drills as observers.