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Ex-Moldovan PM worried about military transit to Ukraine

CHISINAU, July 20. /TASS/. Former Moldovan Prime Minister Ion Chicu, who heads the Party of Development and Consolidation, has expressed concern about military supplies to Ukraine via Moldova.

"Moldova is being dragged into war. We have turned if not into a logistics hub then at least into a transit route for the delivery of various goods. Warplanes are landing here and so on. If the goal is not to drag us [into the conflict], then let the authorities explain what they are doing," he said.

"Moldova should urge the warring parties to stop military operations and establish peace. Moldova needs to support such initiatives and put forward its own ones instead of supporting the aggressive rhetoric of one of the parties. We must send a clear signal to the [Moldovan] authorities, warning them against entering conflicts and turning our country into an arena for confrontation between the West and the East. We need to make sure that the country does not turn into another Ukraine," Chicu emphasized.

Moldovan President Maia Sandu and the pro-European Party of Action and Solidarity are in control of the country’s government and parliament. The Moldovan authorities pursue a policy aimed at severing ties with Russia and the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS). As top officials call for Moldova’s accession to NATO, the country has started to reinforce its armed forces with Western countries’ assistance, causing concern among the authorities of the unrecognized Republic of Transnistria.