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IAEA mandate doesn’t allow it to name forces shelling Zaporozhye, Kursk plants — official

According to IAEA Deputy Director-General Mikhail Chudakov, the second reason is that Rafael Grossi is a diplomat, a UN diplomat, a Western diplomat, and he will never name the culprits unless there is 100% proof

MOSCOW, September 26. /TASS/. The IAEA mandate does not allow the organization to take sides and point the finger at whoever is responsible for shelling the Zaporozhye and Kursk nuclear power plants, IAEA Deputy Director-General Mikhail Chudakov told reporters on the sidelines of the Russian Energy Week.

"First of all, it is not a part of the IAEA mandate to identify the perpetrators. Secondly, Rafael Grossi is a diplomat, a UN diplomat, a Western diplomat, and he will never name the culprits unless there is 100% proof. And the explanation of his position is very simple: As soon as he names one side as guilty, it will stop communicating with him. And will kick out all representatives from their sites. It is more important to continue to hold bridges and talk to both sides - that's his position," Chudakov said, when asked why the IAEA does not say who is responsible for shelling the Zaporozhye and Kursk nuclear power plants.

The 7th Russian Energy Week is being held with the support of the Russian cabinet, the Russian Energy Ministry, and the Moscow City government. Roscongress Foundation is the event’s organizer, and TASS is the media partner.