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Vietnam’s ties with Russia built on basis of equality, mutual benefit — senior diplomat

The leaders of the two counties "always attach great significance to bilateral relations, which meet the expectations of the two people’s and development interests of each country," Le Thi Hang Thu said

HANOI, June 20. /TASS/. Vietnam is building its relations with Russia on the basis of principles of equality and mutual benefit, which is in the interests of both countries, Vietnamese Deputy Foreign Minister Le Thi Hang Thu told TASS ahead of the official part of Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state visit.

The leaders of the two counties "always attach great significance to bilateral relations, which meet the expectations of the two people’s and development interests of each country," she said. "Relations between the two countries ae based on the principles of equality and mutual benefit and promote the development of each of them, making a contribution to strengthening peace, stability and development in the region and the entire world."

She stressed that over nearly 75 years of diplomatic relations between Hanoi and Moscow and especial after they signed the Treaty of Friendly Relations 30 years ago, the comprehensive strategic partnership between Vietnam and Russia continues to develop steadily and dynamically, with positive results being achieved in many aspects. "Vietnam and Russia have become major partners for each other, are closely cooperating both in the bilateral and multilateral formats," said the senior Vietnamese diplomat.

The sides, in her words, not only maintain a high level of political trust but also develop efficient mechanisms of bilateral cooperation. Vietnam and Russia have many joint ventures and investment projects in each other’s territory. They develop cooperation in the trade-and-economic, investment spheres, in the areas of science, technology, education, and training. Thousands of Vietnamese students receive education in Russia is such promising areas as energy, oil and gas, and fundamental science.

At the same time, in her words, the two countries have a lot of possibilities for continuing cooperation, especially in the humanitarian sphere, in the areas of digital and green transformation, resumable energy, and professional training, Le Thi Hang Thu added.