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Moldova approves new Russian ambassador’s candidacy — top diplomat

Mihai Popsoi expressed hope that the Russian diplomatic mission in Chisinau will operate in strict compliance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations

CHISINAU, September 12. /TASS/. The government of Moldova has given green light to the appointment of Oleg Ozerov as Russia’s new ambassador to Chisinau, Moldovan Foreign Minister Mihai Popsoi told the country’s Jurnal TV.

"Checks, conducted by relevant agencies over a few months, found no Moldova-related declarations by Ozerov that created problems and could prevent him from becoming an ambassador to our country," Popsoi said.

He expressed hope that the Russian diplomatic mission in Chisinau will operate in strict compliance with the Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.

On September 10, Russian President Vladimir Putin has decreed to rotate Russia’s ambassador to Moldova. According to his decrees posted on the portal of legal information, Ambassador Oleg Vasnetsov was relieved of his duties and Oleg Ozerov was appointed Russia’s new ambassador.

Before succeeding Vasnetsov, Ozerov, born in 1958, has been Ambassador at Large and chief of the Russia-Africa Partnership Forum Secretariat.

Moldova’s relations with Russia became strained after Maia Sandu’s Party of Action and Solidarity came to power in 2021. They further worsened in 2022 when Moscow blamed Chisinau for unfriendly actions and Moldova accused Russia of interfering into its domestic affairs. Moldova expelled several dozen Russian embassy employees and Russia took response measures.

Moscow has declared its intention to have friendly relations with Moldova and expressed its regret over the fact that the country is being used by the West in its anti-Russian policies.