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US not to be able to sit nuclear conflict in Europe out — Russian ambassador

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier that nuclear terrorists is the Kiev regime’s hallmark

MOSCOW, September 13. /TASS/. The United States will not be able to sit a nuclear conflict in Europe out, Russian Ambassador to Washington Anatoly Antonov said.

"What strikes me is that we have said hundreds of time that there can be no war between nuclear powers, the more so, between the United States and Russia, and that there will be no winners. But here (in the United States - TASS), they are indulging in an illusion that if a conflict breaks out, it would not spread in the United States. I keep on trying to convey this thesis to them - the Americans will not be able to sit it out overseas. This war will affect everyone. That is why we keep on warning: stop playing with such rhetoric," he said in an interview with the Rossiya-24 television channel.

Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said earlier that nuclear terrorists is the Kiev regime’s hallmark. He warned that its activities "may in the long run lead to a Chernobyl-scale disaster, which will affect Europe.".