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Taliban interested in constructive relations with Western countries

Taliban Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid called on the international community to "separate Afghanistan's internal affairs from foreign policy"

DUBAI, July 1. /TASS/. The Taliban (banned in Russia), a radical movement that rules Afghanistan, is interested in establishing constructive relations with Western countries, Taliban Spokesman Zabihullah Mujahid said at a conference in Doha.

"The Islamic Emirate of Afghanistan (the country’s official name given by the Taliban government - TASS) wants positive interaction with Western countries, but we, like any other country, have certain religious and traditional values, as well as distinctive cultural features that need to be recognized so that bilateral relations are not accompanied by tensions," Mujahid said, according to his speech posted to the Taliban government's website.

The spokesman for the movement, which has been heavily criticized for human rights abuses, called on the international community to "separate Afghanistan's internal affairs from foreign policy." That way, Mujahid said, the Taliban government could "make progress in its relations with other countries."

Mujahid spoke at a two-day meeting of special representatives on Afghanistan that started in Doha on June 30. He leads a delegation that numbers a total of six members. The meeting mainly discusses political and economic issues related to future development of Afghanistan.

The meeting of special representatives on Afghanistan is taking place under the auspices of the UN. It is the third such event since May 2023. The Taliban refused to send its representatives to the previous round of talks, which was held in February because members of Afghan civil society were invited. The Taliban insisted on direct talks with the UN secretary general and opposed the presence of delegates from other Afghan organizations. The Taliban were not invited to the first meeting in Doha.