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Iran to withdraw from nuclear deal talks unless there are positive developments — diplomat

The statement came before another meeting of the JCPOA Joint Commission that is taking place in Vienna on Thursday

TEHRAN, April 15. /TASS/. Tehran will withdraw from nuclear deal talks unless they take a positive turn, Iranian Deputy Foreign Minister Abbas Araghchi said on Thursday.

"If talks take the constructive turn that we expect, our country will continue participating in the process. Otherwise, we will withdraw from the talks," he said, as cited by the government’s press service. Araghchi added that "Iran has no wish to hold talks that are nothing but a waste of time."

The statement came before another meeting of the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) Joint Commission that is taking place in Vienna on Thursday. Araghchi noted that "Iran held numerous consultations with various delegations in the past two days."

Iran and the other five members of the JCPOA held a meeting of their Joint Commission in the Austrian capital of Vienna last week. The meeting’s participants discussed ways to restore the nuclear deal and determine issues that expert groups will need to consider.