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Rising number of dead foreigners in Ukraine proves West's involvement — envoy to UN

"We have warned from the beginning that those who help the Zelensky clique stay afloat will become our legitimate targets," Vasily Nebezya reminded
Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vasily Nebenzya Press Service of the Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS, archive
Permanent Representative of Russia to the UN Vasily Nebenzya
© Press Service of the Russian Foreign Ministry/TASS, archive

UNITED NATIONS, September 11. /TASS/. The growing number of dead foreign citizens in Ukraine confirms that the West is going all out in the Ukrainian conflict, Russia's Permanent Representative to the UN Vasily Nebenzya said at the Security Council meeting on Ukraine.

"The peculiarity of this series of strikes was the elimination of a significant number of foreign instructors, so those who follow this issue can expect a large number of obituaries about the sudden demise of high-ranking American, French, Polish and Swedish military officers. We have warned from the beginning that those who help the Zelensky clique stay afloat will become our legitimate targets. The fact that more and more citizens of Western countries are dying only confirms that the West is going all out in the Ukrainian conflict," he emphasized.

Few people in the West have the courage to publicly recognize Kiev's Nazi nature, Nebenzya added.

"The same selective blindness embraces the United States and its satellites when the Kiev junta manifests its Nazi essence," he emphasized. "It is visible to the naked eye in the footage of the [Ukrainian] servicemen posing without even trying to hide the numerous Nazi symbols, flags and emblems. Only a few in the West have the courage to recognize this shameful problem," he pointed out.