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Russian military expert sees Ukrainian preparations for counteroffensive near Kharkov

According to Andrey Marochko, the Ukrainian commander in chief, Alexander Syrsky, is in charge of the operation jointly with NATO officers

LUGANSK, June 18. /TASS/. Ukrainian commanders have been increasing the number of strike groups in the Kharkov Region in preparation for a certain counteroffensive, military expert Andrey Marochko told TASS.

"There has been a trend toward building up enemy forces and means and preparing strike groups in many sectors along the line of engagement in the Kharkov Region," Marochko said, citing his own sources. "The Ukrainian command is most likely planning to <…> conduct [an operation similar] to `the 2023 counteroffensive’ locally," he added.

According to Marochko, the Ukrainian commander in chief, Alexander Syrsky, is in charge of the operation jointly with NATO officers.