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US policies in Mideast caused yet another tragedy — Lavrov

"Not a single undertaking of the United States improved the plight of a country that was attacked. Some countries are virtually non-existent now," Russian Foreign Minister said

UNITED NATIONS, January 25. /TASS/. Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov described the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as a "yet another example" of US policies that resulted in a tragedy of a regional level.

The minister added that it was the United States who ended the work of the Middle East Quartet and "assumed all the responsibility."

"The outcome is obvious. It is just a yet another example of a situation when the US leadership resulted in a tragedy," he said at a press conference on the outcomes of his work at the UN headquarters in New York.

"Not a single undertaking of the United States improved the plight of a country that was attacked. Some countries are virtually non-existent now. Libya’s statehood has been completely destroyed. As far as Iraq is concerned: well, everyone still remembers the disgraceful US attempt to justify this aggression, and how its so-called material evidence turned out to be an utter failure," the Russian foreign minister said.

He went on to say that after the US invasion, terrorist organizations emerged in certain Middle Eastern countries.