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Mass media panel to complement Russia — Latin America Conference

First Deputy Director-General of TASS Mikhail Gusman said that "the TASS agency will be honored to become the partner of the State Duma in organizing this panel"

MOSCOW, October 1. /TASS/. A panel dedicated to cooperation of information entities in developing relations with Latin American countries should be included into the program of the next Russia - Latin America inter-parliamentary conference, First Deputy Director-General of TASS Mikhail Gusman said at a roundtable within the framework of the first conference underway in Moscow.

"I would like to propose, since you said this conference would be an annual one, to complement the conference of the next year with one more panel - the panel of cooperation of information entities, media entities in developing and forging cooperation in Latin American countries," Gusman said, addressing head of the State Duma committee for international affairs Leonid Slutsky, his first deputy Vyacheslav Nikonov, and head of the State Duma committee for CIS affairs, Eurasian integration and ties with compatriots Leonid Kalashnikov.

"The TASS agency will be honored to become the partner of the State Duma in organizing this panel" and can start this work as early as tomorrow, he noted. TASS maintains "the closest ties with colleagues in Latin America," Gusman added.