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Goals of Russia’s operation being accomplished consistently and successfully — UN envoy

It was noted that if the Minsk agreements had been implemented, no special operation would have been needed, but the Kiev regime decided otherwise

UNITED NATIONS, August 24./TASS/. The goals of the Russian special military operation in Ukraine are being accomplished consistently and successfully, Russia’s UN Ambassador Vasily Nebenzya told a meeting of the UN Security Council on Wednesday.

According to him, "the war, which has been killing civilians for eight years, could have ended if Kiev had complied with the Minsk agreements." "However, neither the Ukrainian authorities nor their foreign patrons needed this. They once again said this at the start of this year, at the same time threatening to give up on their nuclear-free status," Nebenzya stressed.

"Under these conditions, in order to restore peace in Donbass, as well as to prevent obvious threats to Russia coming from Ukraine, we had no other choice but to launch a special operation to denazify and demilitarize Ukraine, whose goals are being successfully and consistently implemented," the UN envoy stated. "I repeat once again: if the Minsk agreements had been implemented, no special operation would have been needed, but the Kiev regime decided otherwise," the diplomat summed up.