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Situation with Nord Stream 2 certification completely politicized — Russian envoy

onstruction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline ended on September 10

MOSCOW, December 16. /TASS/. The situation related to the suspension of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline certification is completely politicized, Russian envoy to the EU Vladimir Chizhov said on Thursday on the air with the Rossiya-24 TV Channel.

"[The situation with the Nord Stream 2 certification suspension] - this is, certainly, politics. There is nothing there except politics," the diplomat said. "Another point is that there is mix of foreign policy, I would say, common West and internal German, related to the change of the government in this country," Chizhov added.

Construction of the Nord Stream 2 gas pipeline ended on September 10. Certification of the pipeline is suspended at present because the Swiss-based Nord Stream 2 AG needs to register a subsidiary in Germany.