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Flag of legendary 19th century warship to be raised on Navy Day in Sevastopol

The Imperatritsa Mariya was the flagship in the Battle of Sinop in the course of the Crimean War

SEVASTOPOL, July 26. /TASS/. At the celebration of the Russian Navy Day in Sevastopol, spectators will see raising of the flag of the Russian imperial battleship Imperatritsa Mariya, which was the flagship in the legendary Battle of Sinop in the course of the Crimean War (1853-1856), the Russian Black Sea Fleet’s Communication Department told TASS on Friday.

"The Black Sea Fleet’s symbol of the Navy Day — battleship Imperatritsa Mariya’s flag — will be hoisted for the first time. This is the flagship under the command of Admiral Pavel Nakhimov in the Battle of Sinop," the department commented.

The fleet clarified that the flag will be lifted on a pole next to a 19th century cannon, which will be fired to open the festivities in the Bay of Sevastopol for the second year running. The event is scheduled to run for two hours. Spectators will be able to watch the "tugboat waltz" and "fountains on the water" performed by ships and units of the Black Sea Fleet.

They will also see frigate Admiral Essen imitating a missile targeted at coastal ships and Ka-27PS helicopters performing takeoff and landing on the deck of a moving ship for the first time.

On November 30 (18), 1853, a major naval battle took place in the Bay of Sinop (northern Turkish coast) in the course of the Crimean War (1853-1856). Renowned Russian Admiral Nakhimov led the squadron into the battle and decisively defeated the Turkish fleet. Coordinated efforts of the Russian sailors resulted in complete destruction of the enemy's ships and artillery batteries that were engaged in the fight.

Navy Day

A large celebration will be held in Crimea’s Sevastopol on Navy Day. Spectators will be delighted to see a theatrical performance. Overall, more than 30 battleships, submarines and motorboats, 11 logistics vessels, around 40 aircraft and about 35 units of the Black Sea Fleet’s military equipment will pass in review. The Navy Day will come to a close with a concert and fireworks over the Bay of Sevastopol.

The main rehearsal for the parade took place on Friday.