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US military-industrial complex doesn’t want cash cow Ukraine conflict to end — expert

The reason is that this conflict, according to Dominique Trencan, "generates huge profits" for the US military industry because of aid to Kiev and shipments of weapons to European countries

PARIS, September 11. /TASS/. The United States’ military-industrial complex has a vested interest in the continuation of the Ukraine conflict, and doesn't want it to end, General Dominique Trencan, former head of the French military mission at the UN, told France’s Le Journal du Dimanche (JDD) weekly.

According to the general, "the US military-industrial complex is extremely enthusiastic" about the ongoing hostilities in Ukraine even though no one in Washington believes that Kiev will win. The reason is that this conflict, according to Trencan, "generates huge profits" for the US military industry because of aid to Kiev and shipments of weapons to European countries. The United States has been Kiev’s biggest backer since the start of the Ukraine conflict, while their military aid "has reached $100 billion", the newspaper recalled.

In April, Kremlin Spokesman Dmitry Peskov said that by providing aid to Ukraine, the United States was getting Kiev to do all the fighting, while it sat back and raked in the profits.