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London’s support for Kiev only leads to Ukraine’s further collapse — Russian embassy

The embassy noted that "the new Labor government in the United Kingdom has managed to inherit their predecessor’s bad habit of playing 'the Ukrainian card' in any ambiguous situation and boost its self-esteem on the international arena through Ukraine"

LONDON, July 19. /TASS/. By promising more military assistance to Kiev the British government only pushes Ukraine toward further degradation, the Russian embassy in London said.

"Promises to continue annual allocations to Kiev for military needs in the amount of at least three billion pounds (some $3.9 billion - TASS) are nothing but another serious blow to the already thin ‘purse’ of British taxpayers. As a matter of fact, they are again condemned to throw their money away to the black hole that is Ukraine for years with the guarantee that it will never be used for any good. Whatever officials might say, this is not about investing into European security, but about all-round support for the conflict’s protraction and Ukraine’s further degradation," it said.

The embassy noted that "the new Labor government in the United Kingdom has managed to inherit their predecessor’s bad habit of playing 'the Ukrainian card' in any ambiguous situation and boost its self-esteem on the international arena through Ukraine." "In a bid to prove its worth in this area," the British side "has overdramatized a bit," it noted.

"Not only was the Ukrainian issue made the focus of a vague gathering called the European Political Community, the purpose of which remains unclear even to the participants, Kiev junta chief [Vladimir] Zelensky, who arrived in Britain, was brought to a cabinet meeting and seated at the head of the table, just for kicks. All these actions were accompanied by provocative anti-Russian comments and measures, including chanting fascist Bandera slogans by the new British leadership," the embassy said.

It emphasized that the Keir Starmer government is ready to "plunge into risky foreign policy ventures, putting aside a pile of much more pressing problems for ordinary Britons in the spheres of migration, economy, energy and healthcare."

"It should be recalled that in the recent past, Labor governments have already paid with their political capital for their unscrupulousness about participating in the geopolitical projects of their overseas ‘big brother,’ the most tragic and destabilizing of which was the illegal invasion of Iraq by the United States and its allies in 2003," the embassy said and called on the British leadership to "critically assess the deplorable experience of their predecessors and leave their dubious legacy in the past."