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Avtovaz exports 6,500 cars in 2023

In 2024, the company intends to supply 20,000-25,000 Lada cars to export markets

MOSCOW, January 11. /TASS/. Avtovaz exported 6,500 Lada cars, according to the company’s Vice President for sales and marketing Dmitry Kostromin.

"In terms of exports, 2023 proved to be a challenging year. We worked in eight countries. In these regions and countries, we sold 6,500 cars to end users," he said.

In total, the company sold cars in 8 countries, including Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, and South Ossetia.

In 2024, the company intends to supply 20,000-25,000 Lada cars to export markets. At the same time, in 2024 Avtovaz’s export direction will focus on countries such as Belarus, Iran, Kazakhstan, and Uzbekistan, the company said.

According to the company's president Maksim Sokolov, Avtovaz sales in Russia almost doubled to over 352,500 cars by the end of 2023. "Avtovaz and our brand, so far the only one - I'm not talking about sub-brands -Lada occupies a dominant, leading position in it [the Russian market] with a record sales volume of 352,500 cars," Sokolov said. The company's presentation gave a more specific figure of 352,572 vehicles. In 2022, the company sold 188,600 cars, so sales almost doubled.

The company share in the Russian market in 2023 was 35%, a record-breaking figure over the last two decades, according to the presentation. Kostromin noted that the goal for the coming years is to maintain a share of at least 30%.

Regarding the 2023 financial metrics, Avtovaz did not release exact data, but stressed that it "maintains financial stability and operates at profit." The Russian FMinistry of Industry and Trade earlier reported that the manufacturer will break even in 2023.