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North Korean defense minister backs Russian military, people

Kang Sun-nam expressed support for "the just struggle of the army and people of Russia to defend the country's sovereignty and security" and reassured that the DPRK’s military will "continue to strengthen cooperation and solidarity in the same trench of the anti-imperialist struggle"

TOKYO, July 27. /TASS/. North Korean Defense Minister Kang Sun-nam expressed support for the struggle of Russia’s armed forces and its people to protect the sovereignty and security of their country as Pyongyang hosted a reception for a Russian military delegation, the Central Telegraph Agency of Korea reported.

The defense minister expressed support for "the just struggle of the army and people of Russia to defend the country's sovereignty and security" and reassured that the DPRK’s military will "continue to strengthen cooperation and solidarity in the same trench of the anti-imperialist struggle," the report said. Kang Sun-nam said that "the abrupt changes in the current international military and political situation requires the militaries of the two countries - the DPRK and the Russian Federation - to resolutely oppose the US’ predatory strategy of global domination and continue to strengthen cooperation and collaboration based on the principles of protecting government power and safeguarding state interests."

The Russian military delegation at the reception was led by Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu while Russian Ambassador to the DPRK Alexander Matsegora was also invited.

The report quoted Shoigu as saying that, "The Korean people will accomplish new achievements in the struggle to build a mighty and prosperous homeland." It also reported that Shoigu "expressed the desire of the Russian Federation to strengthen comprehensive cooperation with the DPRK, to fully meet the interests of the peoples of the two countries."

Shoigu is leading a delegation in North Korea to participate in the celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Korean people's victory in the war that lasted from 1950-1953. The Russian Defense Ministry said the visit will help strengthen Russian-North Korean military ties and be an important phase in the development of cooperation between the countries.